Hey Newgrounds!
Been awhile since I posted on front page! But really excited to bring an update to Newgrounds: The Forsaken Cityand its progress! Since I'm on the subject - if anyone isn't up-to-date with what I'm talking about, myself and Winzra are working with a team of extremely talented artists to bring you guys alive-action web-seriesbased on Newgrounds characters!
So what's this mean? Well it means that we're asking for help from the community to raise funds! Already we have 100 backers, and have raised over $3300 dollars! Thanks everyone!
On top of that , we are about to enter the second half of the campaign where we step up content to the next level. This first month we've wanted to gauge interest on word-of-mouth as well as buzz created among the community - but now grab on to your seats, we'll be walking you through our creative progress as we come closer to our goal!
To launch this outreach - we just posted our first VIDEO UPDATE. We give you guys some insight into the story of the series, as well as tease at some of the upcoming video updates we have in store! Check that out in the updates section of the kickStarter!
Also as a bonus - anyone who donates has the opportunity to have a message included in our upcoming promo animation for The Forsaken City. Be it $1 or $500, donate and have your message included today!
Also - I know a lot of you guys have been asking for an alternate way to donate (we realize kickStarter isn't the easiest process to go through.) We are excited to announce we just step up the proxy PayPal account that you all can now donate towards. We will be using the same rules for the PayPal donations. You'll be getting the same perks, and your money will be locked into the payPal account until we reach our goal! To donate via payPal, follow this link!
Thank you guys for your continued support! Let us know what you guys wanna see more of for upcoming video updates! Also - be sure to donate and share with anyone you know! Spreading the word is the only way we'll get more people to check this thing out!
Hope you're all doing great thanks for reading!
There, 100 bucks :3
Wow man! Thank you so much! :D Since the PayPal people won't be noted on the kickStarter itself. We'll be sure to include everyone who donates via PayPal's name in our updates! Also, be sure to check out what you'll be getting for donating $100 via the kickStarter page! Thanks again!