I want to like this more then I know I do...
Upon viewing GCiP (Girl Chan in Paradise) 2 I must say I was left disappointed. Now, mind you I was a big fan of GCiP 1, but I feel like where GCiP2 failed was not in its amazingly well colored and humorly animated visuals. Or even in the very talented voice acting. I feel like this sequel failed, mainly because it fell into the death trap so many sequels do: Instead of making many (if hardly any) new jokes, it simply tried to exploit fan favorited jokes of the first. Sure we all love the Uske-san-sama's and the get over tot that thing....there's but at what point do you sacrafice your humor to basically sell out to yourself. And where was Girl-Chan? She was in there for all of 5 seconds which is a shame becase Kirah is an AmAzInG voice actress! It just seems, as I've talked about w/ a friend, a waste of a title. My best advice? Try to go for stand alone, the only REAL reason any of these jokes were funny was because I had seen the first GCiP.... Please, if there is a GCiP 3 make it with more conviction! And keep doing great man! I look forward to your Power of Three and anything else you might be working on. BTW Welcome to California man!
~Chase Langley